Who Are We

Animal Register Limited is a New Zealand company with a global outlook.
We partner with companies around the world to ensure we can provide the best hardware and software to help lost pets get home and to keep pets safe when they are at home.
Our customised products and services provide clients with a total solution to meet their needs, as well as a partner to continue to grow with together moving forward.
Our software has included nationally based pet registers, rabies databases and lost/found pet mapping solutions. We are the first company in the world to provide a combined mapping/microchip/facial recognition service.
Our hardware has included supplying microchip scanners to Oceania and Asia, as well as rfid microchips to these same markets.
We are constantly looking at new technologies to help pets when they need it most.

What We Do

Specialist software
by those who know
ARL's experience in the lost pet market, along with its specialised software skills offers a perfect combination for custom development.

We have tested products from around the world to ensure we provide the best quality possible at a rate that remains affordable for customers.

Pet Support
ARL run its own Pet Detective service promoting free services and useful tools to help pet owners when they need it most.

Animal Register Ltd is a leading pioneer of animal repatriation technology and lost pet support services in New Zealand
Microchip Databases
Developed and managed the NZCAR. Since 2007 this system has helped tens of thousands of lost and found pets and raised over $5 million.
Lost Pet Mapping
Created and managed New Zealand’s leading lost pet mapping system allowing animals to be listed quickly and easily on a free service.
Facial Recognition
Researched and introduced Facial Recognition to New Zealand in partnership with the Pet Recognition Company from Canada.
Scanner Angel
Introduced smart scanner technology into New Zealand in partnership with ID Porte from Europe.
Trained Pet Detectives
Only NZ company to offer a lost pet service manned by trained Pet Detectives, authorised by the Missing Animal Response Network.
RFID Technology
Introduced and are agents for Halo and Halo+ Scanners, a leading chip reader from Europe.
0800 LOSTPET Call Centre
Since 2007 ARL has offered New Zealand pet owners the only 0800 accessible dedicated Lost Pet Call Centre, operating 365 days a year.
Social Media Networking
Created online partnership between lost pet mapping and social media with Neighbourly
Specialised Animal Software
Developed companion animal software for rabies innoculation/immunisation in Asia.
Always Seeking New Technology
Working on new long-life GPS solution, as well as new Low Energy Rfid/Bluetooth solutions
A single tool for responsible pet owners
Rescue • Repatriation • Record Keeping
Visit our online shop
for lost pet technology and tools
Who We Work With